Create and Run Simple C# Console Applications - Trophy - Create and Run Simple C# Console Applications

Tell us what’s happening:

I cannot verify myself for the “Create and Run Simple C# Console Applications” trophy, although I completed all of the tasks. (It appears everything needed as completed).
I am looking forward further investigation.
Thank you!

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Challenge Information:

Create and Run Simple C# Console Applications - Trophy - Create and Run Simple C# Console Applications

Were you ever able to verify the trophy for this course? I am having the same issue even though I too have completed all the modules on the course.

I had same issue. I started over again and went one by one thru it, only doing MS knowledge check then clicking unlock achievement, then going back to freecodecamp page and answer their 1 question then going to the next one. I believe I missed one of the MS knowledge checks - try that.

I am having the same issue. I even have the trophy on MS Learn. Debug C# console applications (Get started with C#, Part 6)

Ok this may be the issue

I tried after some time like 20 mins, then it verified