Create event hover for a div with Jquery

I created a div where an user when moves mouse appear a div ,but when mouse move outside button , the div remain and create other same div.
I know that there is mouseleave in Jquery but I don’t know how to do.

$(document).on('mouseover', '#btn-share', function(){
    let newDiv = $('<div class="social">'
    +'<p>SHARE</p><svg xmlns="" width="20" height="20">'
    +'<path fill="#FFF" d="M18.896 0H1.104C.494 0 0 .494 0 1.104v17.793C0 19.506.494 20 1.104 20h9.58v-7.745H8.076V9.237h2.606V7.01c0-2.583 1.578-3.99 3.883-3.99 1.104 0 2.052.082 2.329.119v2.7h-1.598c-1.254 0-1.496.597-1.496 1.47v1.928h2.989l-.39 3.018h-2.6V20h5.098c.608 0 1.102-.494 1.102-1.104V1.104C20 .494 19.506 0 18.896 0z"/></svg>'
    +'<svg xmlns="" width="20" height="17"><path fill="#FFF" d="M20 2.172a8.192 8.192 0 01-2.357.646 4.11 4.11 0 001.804-2.27 8.22 8.22 0 01-2.605.996A4.096 4.096 0 0013.847.248c-2.65 0-4.596 2.472-3.998 5.037A11.648 11.648 0 011.392 1a4.109 4.109 0 001.27 5.478 4.086 4.086 0 01-1.858-.513c-.045 1.9 1.318 3.679 3.291 4.075a4.113 4.113 0 01-1.853.07 4.106 4.106 0 003.833 2.849A8.25 8.25 0 010 14.658a11.616 11.616 0 006.29 1.843c7.618 0 11.922-6.434 11.663-12.205A8.354 8.354 0 0020 2.172z"/></svg>'
    +'<svg xmlns="" width="20" height="20"><path fill="#FFF" d="M10 0C4.478 0 0 4.477 0 10c0 4.237 2.636 7.855 6.356 9.312-.088-.791-.167-2.005.035-2.868.182-.78 1.172-4.97 1.172-4.97s-.299-.6-.299-1.486c0-1.39.806-2.428 1.81-2.428.852 0 1.264.64 1.264 1.408 0 .858-.545 2.14-.828 3.33-.236.995.5 1.807 1.48 1.807 1.778 0 3.144-1.874 3.144-4.58 0-2.393-1.72-4.068-4.177-4.068-2.845 0-4.515 2.135-4.515 4.34 0 .859.331 1.781.745 2.281a.3.3 0 01.069.288l-.278 1.133c-.044.183-.145.223-.335.134-1.249-.581-2.03-2.407-2.03-3.874 0-3.154 2.292-6.052 6.608-6.052 3.469 0 6.165 2.473 6.165 5.776 0 3.447-2.173 6.22-5.19 6.22-1.013 0-1.965-.525-2.291-1.148l-.623 2.378c-.226.869-.835 1.958-1.244 2.621.937.29 1.931.446 2.962.446 5.522 0 10-4.477 10-10S15.522 0 10 0z"/></svg>'


The css style is in CSS file.

Why are you creating this in JS rather than just showing and hiding it using CSS? Doing it the way you’re doing is complex and unperfomant. Anyway, just delete the element on mouseleave if you really want to do this (element. parentNode. removeChild(element);)

I know that I can use CSS hover but the task ask to use JS to create click event

Right, but I assume you don’t need to write your own implementation of CSS’ hover using JS, which is what you’re doing here

Regardless of that, why are you not just putting this in the HTML? You don’t need to create this element using JS, you just need to show/hide it

This is the task:

See the social media share links when they click the share icon

but I need to use JS ,maybe I don’t use hover event as CSS , I think it’s more hide/show

So this is click, it’s not hover. It really is easier to just add a class. For example: on click, if the element does not have a class “visible”, add the class, otherwise remove it.

Like this?

    if($('.social').css('visibility') === 'hidden'){
      return $(this).css("visibility", "visible")
    return  $(this).css("visibility", "hidden");
