Create Methods in C# Console Applications - Trophy - Create Methods in C# Console Applications

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Create Methods in C# Console Applications - Trophy - Create Methods in C# Console Applications

Getting a weird error. “It appears Microsoft user - [name] - has not earned this trophy.” However, I’ve unlocked the trophy on Microsoft. I’ve also verified I’m logged into MS and I see the achievement page.

This is frustrating. I’m unable to complete the certificate.

I also see the badge on Profile | Microsoft Learn. It’s the " Challenge project - Create a mini-game" badge. Freecodecamp is not detecting my badge correctly.

It’s worked in the past. Not sure what’s happening.

Signed, unable to make progress because I’m blocked by this bug.

did you follow these steps?

Yes, I’ve completed these steps. I have verified my trophy and earned the badge. I can see it on the achievements page.

I have linked my Microsoft account and have a verified transcript link: Profile | Microsoft Learn. (FYI, I’ve replaced my transcript ID in this post for security reasons. )

I looked in the Chrome debugger and I’m seeing a 403 POST error to the API endpoint. That’s what’s causing the problem.

Thanks for your help by the way.

This is the error I’m seeing.

Here’s the achievement and trophy.

I’ve earned other C# achievements and trophies before. I don’t know why it’s not working for this particular one.