I tried to target the paragraph <p> part with the following but did not work. Of course I removed #about first and applied p .about
p .about {
font-family: monospace;
How can I style those two paragraphs? Should I remove classes and apply ids or something else? I want to style <p> in other font then <h> and later to play with flexbox and css grid
A small change is needed - currently p .about says the browser that you are looking for an element inside the <p> tag which has that particular class. Make it p.about (no space!) and you will target the <p> elements with that class assigned.
That worked!
Thank you!
I have another quick question: What should I use to get text in “box” without using <br>? Margin and padding properties? My text is now stretched across the screen within .body borders.
There is no width of the box, so for now the whole screen is your box that you modify. Apply something like width: 300px; and this will be your first box to contain the text in.
That is great, I didn’t even think about that. That property moved my text to the left side of the screen, so I have another question , how to have it centred? text-align: centre; didn’t affect it.
Sorry to bother, I’m just to new for this