Css not working in codepen: How do I link css in html correctly?

Hi all,
I’m using codepen for my projects. The css won’t work. I’m thinking i’m linking it wrong. please how do i link the css file correctly in the html. Thanks.
Here’s a link https://codepen.io/mdotcoder/project/editor/DBQamK#

I’m not familiar with how the setup on CodePen projects works, but I’m going to assume you need the link to point to style.processed.css (a browser has no idea what SCSS is). Also, unless there is some special convention for Projects, the link is wrong? You have your index.hmtl in a folder alongside the css folder, so afaics it should be like ../css/style.processed.css (ie the link says you need to navigate up from the current folder then into the css folder).

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You are a life saver! Your solution totally worked. I’ve banged my head for 2 days over this. Thank you !

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