Data Analysis with Python Projects - Demographic Data Analyzer

Tell us what’s happening:
I keep getting an IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level error in the ‘return {’ section of my code, when I run my code even though I have not modified this section of the code just like the instructions say.

Please help…been unable to pass the tests for about 2 days now!

Your code so far
Link to my repl: demographic-data-analyzer - Python Repl - Replit

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Challenge: Data Analysis with Python Projects - Demographic Data Analyzer

Link to the challenge:

You’ll have to either post your code in a code block (use the </> option on the gear button in the post editor) or preferably post a link to your code in a As it is, the indentation of the code in your post is lost so it’s impossible to help.

Thank you very much!

Link to my repl: demographic-data-analyzer - Python Repl - Replit

I assume you fixed it since I forked the link repl and could not reproduce the error.

Yes! I was finally able to fix it…it actually had to do with my spaces and indentation and because of my computer screen, I had the code editor opened to only about half the actual size and didn’t realize there were indentation issues till I maxed the code editor window. Thank you very much!

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