Data Analysis with Python Projects - Mean-Variance-Standard Deviation Calculator

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Challenge: Data Analysis with Python Projects - Mean-Variance-Standard Deviation Calculator

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I’m new to programing and want to acquire a digital skill.
There are four Courses that i am curious about here in freecodecamp but i need advice from those who know better on which to do first and why. the courses are:
1) Back End Development and APIs
2) Scientific Computing with Python
3) Information Security and
4) Machine Learning with Python

I would appreciate every professional opinion.


Do you have a question or are you getting an error message that you need help with?

Please describe your problem with as much detail as you can provide.

Yes please, i just asked a question.

There are four Courses that i am interested about here in freecodecamp but i need advice from anyone who knows better on which of the courses to do first and why. the courses are:

  1. Back End Development and APIs
  2. Scientific Computing with Python
  3. Information Security and
  4. Machine Learning with Python


Would you mind starting a new topic for this question? Thanks!

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