Data Analysis with Python Projects - Mean-Variance-Standard Deviation Calculator

I am receiving all kinds of what appear to be systems error messages when I try to run my code.

I have tested the code off line and it is working, but probably needs some tweaks to finalize

I receive a large number of errors around cannot open packages and the like

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The URL is: boilerplate-mean-variance-standard-deviation-calculator (3) - Replit

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Data Analysis with Python Projects - Mean-Variance-Standard Deviation Calculator

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘numpy’

pip install numpy

Confirm that you have all the necessary packages installed. You can include the package installations at the beginning of your code or in a separate file like requirements.txt if the platform supports it.

Example in your Python code

!pip install numpy pandas

Example requirements.txt file


If you provide specific error messages or portions of your code where the errors occur, I might be able to offer more targeted assistance. Additionally, check the documentation or community forums of the platform you’re using, as they may have specific instructions or troubleshooting tips for managing dependencies.

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