Data Visualization Projects - Visualize Data with a Heat Map Project Feedback


I would appreciate any feedback on my Heat Map project. :slight_smile:


Great job.
I just couldn’t seem to work out how to get the legend looking like that, especially in having the axis labels between colours rather than underneath each one. I lost patience in the end as my hacked together version was still passing the tests!
I like the little gap between each month on the main map, it makes the whole presentation look a bit cleaner.
When you assign tempColoring, the repetition in the if/else ifs makes me wonder whether this could have been done in fewer lines if colorPalette was an array rather than an object? But then I looked back and realised I did something similar and would probably have been asking myself the same thing, but I was keen to move on to the next challenge.

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Looks good @konstantin.krumin. One thing I noticed is that January is the only month that doesn’t repeat itself. On the axis two of March but when I hover over the graph, it correctly identifies as February. Same with the other months that are duplicated.

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Thank you very much for your feedback @avidler!

It took me quite a while to figure out how to set up this axis with values on the legend, and, to be honest, when at first I completed this project last week and got all tests passing I couldn’t figure it out either and just left the legend without any ticks. However, yesterday I reviewed my work and was able to figure it out. I created the createLegendArr helper function and used it to create an array with legend tick values to match the requirements. Then I passed it in here:

const legendXAxis = d3.axisBottom(tempScale)

tickSizeOuter(0) was used to remove those default ticks at the beginning and end of the scale, to make it more aesthetic.

Thank you for your recommendation in regards to tempColoring , I’m gonna look into it! :slight_smile:


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Thank you for your feedback @Roma!