Data Visualization Projects - Visualize Data with a Scatterplot Graph

Tell us what’s happening:

I’m failing user stories 6 and 8 only. I assume the test is unhappy with the fact that I built my y-axis using a Linear Scale based on the data.Seconds property, but then populated the data-yvalue with Date(d.Seconds/60). My guess is that since these are different data types, the test is struggling to reconcile what I’ve done, even though “visually” it looks right.

If that is the case, what are my options here? I assume I’m required to rebuild the y-axis using a scaleTime method instead of scaleLinear?


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Data Visualization Projects - Visualize Data with a Scatterplot Graph

Hey I came up with this on Git Hub, it seems to be a time zone issue. link: D3: Scatterplot Example fails tests · Issue #34259 · freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp · GitHub

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Wow, I didn’t expect that. I’ll take a look at the code and mark it as solved if it works. Thanks a lot for finding that out and sharing!

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If I replace your code with the example project code, it passes the tests. So that would seem to suggest there is something wrong in your code. I just don’t have much knowledge, but it is using toISOString for the "data-yvalue" (they call it on a date).

Ok I managed to finish the exercise. If anyone ends up here, the solution was to use scaleTime to build the y-axis. That seems to be a requirement of the tests. Once I made all the necessary adjustments, it passed.

Thank you everyone who contributed! Closing it now