Data viz - map resource

Link challenge

Hi all^^
I have a doubt with this challenge: the previous one i had some problems with the flags, now with the entire map :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean, where we are supposed to recover that world map? It’s georeferenced right?
Since i had no clue where to start, i tried google maps: i’ve also generated a key, but at the end i discovered d3 was not even needed! You can achieve the result just following a brief tutorial^^

So i looked for world map svg and i found the datamap project: supercool stuff, thanks to which you can fullfill the user stories in a while xD

Now, the question is: are we supposed to learn to use this kind of resources or it’s like cheating?

Thanks all ^^

Here is the link pen: link

The method or libraries used are not important — as long as the user stories are fulfilled, you’ve done your job.
