I replaced password with my actual password in this post I did not actually write password there. The images attached are the error message and my secrets file.
Looks like it is a bug with the version of the driver and Node 20. Updating mongoose should fix it.
Open the Shell tab and run npm i mongoose@latest
You can also remove the options object from the connect call as both those options are now deprecated.
BTW, it looks like Gitpod is now the preferred option and not Replit. The challenge instructions have been updated accordingly. But I’m guessing it still works fine with Replit.
Sorry if it’s out of pocket, but running " npm i mongoose@latest" would work too? I tried it in the terminal but it didn’t work. I assume there’s some difference, because when I saw video examples they usd npm start, but I would have to write npm run start for the same process.
Sorry, don’t english all that well.
Installing/updating dependencies and running the start script are two different things.
Running npm i someDependency@latest will update the dependency. You can check the version in the package.json file.
npm start and npm run start is the same command. There are a few run commands that do not need run as part of the command. It runs the start script found in package.json under the scripts section.