Display: flex; not lining up items horizontally

According to the flex box in 20 minutes video display: flex; should line up items horizontally but it’s not.

#box2 {
	display: flex;

<div id="box2>

    <section id="boxes">
      <div class="container">
        <div class="box1">
          <img src="logo_html.png">
          <p>I format my code, know proper tags, and learn proper ways fast.</p>
        <div class="box2">
          <img src="logo_css.png">
          <p>I know how to style web pages, add animations and transitions<p>

heres my code.

<div id="box2>

    <section id="boxes">
      <div class="container">
        <div class="box1">
          <img src="logo_html.png">
          <p>I format my code, know proper tags, and learn proper ways fast.</p>
        <div class="box2">
          <img src="logo_css.png">
          <p>I know how to style web pages, add animations and transitions<p>

#box2 {
	display: flex;

According to the flexbox in 20 minutes video this should place the items horizontally.

I have merged your topics. You’ll get much better resutls if you don’t create multiple threads for the same issue.

For flexbox you put them in a flex-container.
Then for each element in the container you set the flex values.

// Example wrapper
#box2 {
  width: 100%;
  max-width: 960px;
  margin: 0 auto;
// Section holding the boxes, set it to flex.
#boxes {
  display: flex;
// Speciy the flex-grow flex-shrink flex-basis|auto|initial|inherit;
// grow by 1, shrink by 0, basis 100px (length of the item)
  flex: 1 0 100px;
// Same for this one.
  flex: 1 0 100px;

Instead of id(#box2) apply flex on classes(.box1,box2) like this.

.box1, .box2{
    display: flex;