DNA Pairing coding algo critique

I feel as if I’m close to a solution, but for some reason… There’s something I don’t understand that’s making this more difficult than it should be. Maybe, I need to go back and get a better understanding of some other principles, or … I dunno, just not sure what exactly I’m missing here. What concept am I struggling to grasp that’s making this difficult?

function pairElement(str) {

let regexA = /A+/;

let regexT = /T+/;

let regexC = /C+/;

let regexG = /G+/;

let strArr = str.split(“”);

let newArr = ;



//console.log(str.replace(regexC, “[C, G]”))

str.replace(regexC, “[C, G]”)

str.replace(regexG, “[G, C]”)

str.replace(regexT, “[T, A]”)

str.replace(regexA, “[A, T]”)

// --------------------------------

//replacing function!

// --------------------------

newArr = strArr.map(x => {

if(x === “C”) {

x.replace(regexC, “[C, G]”)

} else if (x === “G”) {

x.replace(regexG, “[G, C]”)

} else if (x === “T”) {

x.replace(regexT, “[T, A]”)

} else if (x === “A”) {

x.replace(regexA, “[A, T]”)



return x




nvm figured it out…

no need for any answered for anyone…

but thanks anyways…

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