Don't know what I'm doing wrong in "React: Pass an Array as Props"

The only condition it says I’m not meeting is “The List component should render the value from the tasks prop in the p tag,” but I am using the


     return <p> {props.tasks.join(",")} </p>

This is my entire code for this challenge, if that helps:

                const List= (props) => {
              { /* change code below this line */ }

              return <p> {props.tasks.join(",")} </p>

           { /* change code above this line */ }

            class ToDo extends React.Component {
             constructor(props) {
                   render() {
                    return (
                <h1>To Do Lists</h1>
                { /* change code below this line */ }
                    <List  tasks={["test","test"]} />
          <List  tasks={["test","test","test"]} />
         { /* change code above this line */ }

It looks to me like in the instructions, that there is a space after the comma in the join string.

You are correct, but fixing that hasn’t remedied the problem :confused:

OK, then also the spaces inside the p tags - those are being rendered and throwing off the test.

OK yeah that was it, thanks!