Hello. I’m trying to create a menu list that drops down from the menu bar. My code doesn’t seem to be working. Can anybody tell me what needs to be fixed? Thanks! URL: https://codepen.io/ksirgey/pen/ayoOVq?editors=0100
Using this example I managed to recreate the dropdown menu here: https://codepen.io/_moonwalker/pen/jLNWbe I too had a problem with getting it to work because I forgot to charge Jquery et Bootstrap in the JS (like in my screenshot)
In your pen, you do not have these added so maybe that’s the problem
So, now I’m trying a different approach. I think the drop down menu is working. This time, however, it remains hidden under the background image. I’m trying to use z-values to stack the elements so that the drop down content appears over the image. This isn’t working. https://codepen.io/ksirgey/pen/ayoOVq?editors=1100
You have /*overflow: hidden;*/
in your css for the .topnav
class and that’s preventing the menu from showing. I think that if you delete it, it should work.
EDIT: Oh and you also did not charge bootstrap in JavaScript, you only did it in css and for the dropdown menu to work it needs both