Drum Machine Sound Display

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I am unable to figure out how to display the current sound being played in the drum machine. I can return the current sound as a console.log in the PlaySound component, I can get the default state to feed into the DisplayBar components.

Any assistance is appreciated!



Edit: Here is a code pen link https://codepen.io/MoxElliot/pen/yLpOYQb?editors=1010

Your code so far

import React from 'react';

const soundBank = [


    keyCode: 81,

    keyTrigger: 'Q',

    id: 'Heater-1',

    url: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/freecodecamp/drums/Heater-1.mp3'



    keyCode: 87,

    keyTrigger: 'W',

    id: 'Heater-2',

    url: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/freecodecamp/drums/Heater-2.mp3'



    keyCode: 69,

    keyTrigger: 'E',

    id: 'Heater-3',

    url: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/freecodecamp/drums/Heater-3.mp3'



    keyCode: 65,

    keyTrigger: 'A',

    id: 'Heater-4',

    url: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/freecodecamp/drums/Heater-4_1.mp3'



    keyCode: 83,

    keyTrigger: 'S',

    id: 'Clap',

    url: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/freecodecamp/drums/Heater-6.mp3'



    keyCode: 68,

    keyTrigger: 'D',

    id: 'Open-HH',

    url: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/freecodecamp/drums/Dsc_Oh.mp3'



    keyCode: 90,

    keyTrigger: 'Z',

    id: "Kick-n'-Hat",

    url: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/freecodecamp/drums/Kick_n_Hat.mp3'



    keyCode: 88,

    keyTrigger: 'X',

    id: 'Kick',

    url: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/freecodecamp/drums/RP4_KICK_1.mp3'



    keyCode: 67,

    keyTrigger: 'C',

    id: 'Closed-HH',

    url: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/freecodecamp/drums/Cev_H2.mp3'



class App extends React.Component {

  constructor (props) {


      this.state ={

      soundDisplay: "Sound Display Bar"


    this.updateSound = this.updateSound.bind(this);



  updateSound() {


      soundDisplay: this.state.soundDisplay




    return (

    <div id="drum-machine" className='app-container'>

        <div className="header" style={{backgroundColor: "green"}}>



      <div className='control-container'>


        <div id="display" className='pad-container'>

          {soundBank.map ((sound) => (

          <DrumPad sound={sound} soundDisplay={this.state.soundDisplay} key={sound.keyCode} className="drum-pad"/>



        <DisplayBar soundDisplay={this.state.soundDisplay} />






const DrumPad = ({ sound, soundDisplay }) => {


  const handleKeyDown = (e) => {

    if (e.keyCode === sound.keyCode) {





  React.useEffect(() => {

    window.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown);

      return () => {




  const PlaySound = () => {


    const playAudio = document.getElementById(sound.keyTrigger);

    playAudio.currentTime = 0;


    soundDisplay = sound.id



  return (


    <div onClick={PlaySound} id={sound.keyCode} class="drum-pad">

      <audio id={sound.keyTrigger} className="clip" src={sound.url}/>




const DisplayBar = ({soundDisplay}) => {


  return (

    <div className="display-bar" id="display-bar">





export default App;

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Challenge: Build a Random Quote Machine

Link to the challenge:

I think you might not be getting any help because no one wants to take the time to set this up so they can test it. It would probably be best if you put this into codepen (or something equivalent) so it is all ready to go and can be easily tested.

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Good point, thanks for the heads up! Adding the link above.

The problem is that you aren’t updating state.soundDisplay when you play the sound in playAudio. You do have a function called updateSound in App, which I’m assuming is intended to be used to update state.soundDisplay. First, you’ll need to fix this function so it can actually update state.soundDisplay to the current sound. Then, you need to be able to access this function from playAudio in DrumPad. How would you pass this function into DrumPad so that it can be accessed in playAudio?

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