I am working on the “Visualize Data with a Bar Chart” challenge. And I am trying to add axises to my graph. Here is the link in my code pen:
Visualize Data in Code Pen.
And I have encounter an uncaught type error:
Above is the error message I am getting.
Here is the relevant code snippet in case you don’t want to read the whole thing.
// create a year array
var yearArray = [];
// push the data into the year array
var year = innerArray[0].split("-")[0];
var x_domain = d3.extent(yearArray);
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")
Height variable is defined at the beginning of my JavaScript.
And I have tried search on StackOverFlow, there is a person who encounter the exact same problem as mine, but there is not satisfying answer to that question.
Any help will be highly appreciated.