ES6 - Use getters and setters to Control Access to an Object

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I would like to be enlightened on this. I get 3 errors when I run the code

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// Only change code below this line

class Thermostat {
  constructor(Fahrenheit) {
    this._Celsius = 5/9 * (Fahrenheit - 32);
  get Temperature() {
    return this._Celsius;

  set Temperature(Celsius) {
    this._Celsius = Celsius;


// Only change code above this line

const thermos = new Thermostat(76); // Setting in Fahrenheit scale
let temp = thermos.temperature; // 24.44 in Celsius
thermos.temperature = 26;
temp = thermos.temperature; // 26 in Celsius

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Challenge Information:

ES6 - Use getters and setters to Control Access to an Object

Make sure your capitalization of getter and setter match the requirements.

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I do forget that JavaScript is a case sensitive programming language. Thank you

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