Most of the solutions I’m seeing are a few years old and It isn’t solving my problems
here’s the string I’m having some issues with
Assign the following three lines of text into the single variable myStr using escape sequences.
You will need to use escape sequences to insert special characters correctly. You will also need to follow the spacing as it looks above, with no spaces between escape sequences or words.
Note: The indentation for SecondLine is achieved with the tab escape character, not spaces.
here’s what I typed:
var myStr = “FirstLine\n\t\SecondLine\nThirdLine” ;
any thoughts on how to get this challenge solved??
I am not really sure in that case. This code actually passed the test for me.
Try copying this and if it doesn’t work then let’s wait for the input of someone more experienced. I am tagging @JeremyLT
var myStr = "FirstLine\n\t\\SecondLine\nThirdLine" ;
What does it show in your console? Can you post a picture like this?