FCC Bonfirm Algorithm: Caesar Cipher Challenge

Morning guys I am currently doing the caesars cipher challenge and I am stuck in trying to convert the unicode back to a string to complete the decryption. I tried using the fromCharCode() method to convert the uni code to a string but it isn’t working. my Code is shown below:


    function rot13(str)     { 
      var cipherText = '';

      var newCipher = [];
      var newString = str.split('');
      for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
        if (newString[i].charCodeAt() >= 65 && newString[i].charCodeAt() <= 90){
        if (newString[i].charCodeAt() < 78) {
           newCipher[i] = (newString[i].charCodeAt() + 13);
       else if (newString[i].charCodeAt() >= 78) {
           newCipher[i] = (newString[i].charCodeAt() - 13);
        cipherText = newCipher.join(' ');  

      return cipherText;

       // Change the inputs below to test
    rot13("SERR PBQR PNZC  ?");

Please help me guy

You should read the documentation for charCodeAt(). It takes an argument and returns a value.

Thanks Ariel. I have already figured it out. I would love some feedback from this code

function rot13(str) {
var cipherText = ‘’;

     var newCipher = [];

     var newString = str.split('');

     var cipher;

     for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {

          if (newString[i].charCodeAt() >= 65 &&                  newString[i].charCodeAt() <= 90){

        if (newString[i].charCodeAt() < 78) {
             newCipher[i] = (newString[i].charCodeAt() + 13);
        else if (newString[i].charCodeAt() >= 78) {
                newCipher[i] = (newString[i].charCodeAt() - 13);

       cipherText = String.fromCharCode.apply(String, newCipher);

        if (newString[i].charAt(length).charCodeAt() < 65) {
             cipher = cipherText.replace(/\0/g, ' ') + newString[i].charAt(length);


        else {
              cipher = cipherText.replace(/\0/g, ' ');



     return cipher;

   // Change the inputs below to test
    rot13("SERR PBQR PNZC");
