IDK where to report bug so here we are.
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Bug: The Problem/Bug here is that all the code/outputs are wrong.
the correct output should be = [20 ,21 ,22, 23, 24]
Wrong/No correct Answer is listed. The closest correct answer would be the 1st answer. but it seems like the FCC content creator accidently put two 24’s and made the obviously wrong choice (the 2nd option) corrcet.
im almost positive im right gib me a cookie
Common misunderstanding. The + operator doesn’t change the contents of its arguments. The second answer is correct
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It is also mentioned at 2:15
your right!! i also didn’t type this into juypter directly. I instead did:
pract = np.arange(5)
practAd = pract + 20
in a regular python file. i confused it myself…
guess i get to cookie… Ty for this. !!