Feedback needed for my tribute-page project

Hello guys,
here is my first attempt at this tribute page project:

What do you all think?

Thank you in advance!

It looks good but "1. The <img> element should responsively resize, relative to the width of its parent element, without exceeding its original size."



img {

Try using margin: auto; at your img

@Stranicola Your page looks nice but few things to revisit:

  1. All of your user stories are not passing. Fulfil the user stories and get all of the tests to pass.

  2. Analyze your HTML and CSS, like this:

  3. Run your HTML code through the W3C validator . There are HTML coding errors you should be aware of. Since copy/paste from codepen, you can ignore the first warning and first two errors.

  4. Inline CSS is not recommended.

  5. I think that you should reduce the left or right space of the tribute info container so that it looks better. It’s my personal opinion. Otherwise, do whatever you like.

  6. Do not use the <br> element to force line breaks or spacing. That’s what CSS is for.

Keep it up! :+1:
Happy Coding!

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Thank you for your help,
i have edited and set the max-width to the img in css.
Thank you for your help!

Welcome to the forums @Stranicola. Your page looks good. Some things to revisit;

  • Run your HTML code through the W3C validator.
    There are HTML syntax/coding errors you should be aware of and address.
    Since copy/paste from codepen you can ignore the first warning and first two errors.
  • Codepen provides validators for HTML, CSS and JS. Click on the chevron in the upxper right of each section and then click on the respective ‘Analyze’ link.
    The one for CSS is good. Use it and address the issue(s).
    (The one for HTML misses things which is why I recommend W3C)
  • In addition to being used incorrectly in the ul element, do not use the <br> element to force line breaks or spacing. That’s what CSS is for.
    Reference MDN Docs

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