Make sure to closely pay attention to the errors listed (click on the 9/10 tests passed)
Adding the proper display value for the #image will solve this error. However, this will result in another test to failing because the image will no longer be centered within the parent container.
If we highlight all of the objects on the page using:
Many thx for your time and feedback.
I managed to fix the error by adding “display: flex, justify-content: center, align-items: center” to #img-div .
Looking forward to more tips in order to learn
The first thing I would suggest is making the #main a different color then #content-wrap. I would suggest keeping the #content-wrap as white and making the #main a darker but still light color.
Really love the colours. Looks much better than my version
Actually, I tried to experiment around with some colours, but nothing looked good to me, so I decided to keep it simple. I will definitely play around with different colours and box-shadow and see how it looks.
@Allen_M, as has been pointed out be sure and read the entire failing message, not just the first line. The rest of the failing message usually tells what the test was looking for and what you can do to correct the issue.
For feedback some things to revisit;
Codepen provides validators for HTML, CSS and JS. Click on the chevron in the upper right of each section and then click on the respective ‘Analyze’ link.
The one for CSS is good. Use it and address the issue(s).
The idea of making different colors for your smaller container then your background is to focus the users attention to the content. If you have white on white, the user’s attention is not focused.
I would say its a decent color scheme, but still a little bright overall (lack of contrast between background and foreground)
I like the idea of the highlighted text, however, I wouldn’t say it works with the color scheme. The idea of boxed text works best on a background image or color that spans the entire container.
When you are using a box shadowing, it is supposed to divide the element from the rest of the page. This includes using a different background color to separate it.
It looks nice, but I would say remove the box shadow on the header if you go with the boxed text look.
hi I realized you have disabled the scrollbar and that users cant move up and down in the page and some of your content will be hidden from the eyes in desktop so
remove this part of code : ::-webkit-scrollbar { display: none; }
since that is for customizing the scrollbar and is now hidding scrollbar(if you dont look for customization)
and add this code to your body tag : overflow-x:hidden; and that should do the trick.
by the way I like the design goodluck. Hamed
Be careful using this. overflow-x: hidden; will completely hide anything that extends outside its container element horizontally. It’s recommended to not do this, and refactor your CSS to be more responsive - otherwise it is possible for your site to appear to be missing content.