Feeling discouraged (chunky monkey assignment)

Hi all ,
I think I spend two days trying to figure this assignment out on my own.
It seems to work and correctly seperate the arr array into smaller arrays (when I add document.write statements ), but the code is not passing.

I can look at the hints or solutions , but that doesn’t really help me figure out why my code is wrong.
I hope someone is willing to take a look at it ,it’s a bit longer.

Thanks :slight_smile:

function chunkArrayInGroups(arr, size) {
    /*Write a function that splits an array (first argument) into groups 
    the length of size (second argument) and returns them as a two-dimensional array.*/
    let len = arr.length;
	let numberOfArrs = len/size;   
    let zero =0;
	let mainArrs = new Array();
    for(let i=zero;i<numberOfArrs;++i){
		if(numberOfArrs === 2){
			if(i === zero){
		} else {
			if(i === zero){
			} else if(i===1){  
				nextStep = size*2 ;
				mainArrs.push([ arr.slice(size,nextStep)]);
			} else {
				newNextStep= nextStep+size;
	return mainArrs;

Thank you , that solved it :slight_smile:
I was just confused about it needing to be an array of arrays.
And then I got lost in the details and thought the two variables needed to be static.