Fetch data is empty in componentwillMount in react native redux

Hello I’m trying to learn react native from Stephen Grider’s react-native course.I’m stuck to load data from my webservice and list them by using redux and lodash .I can successfully get data and can see it in render (console.log) ,and but my props always is null in componentDidUpdate or componentWillMount .
Any help is appreciated,thanks.
Reducer is like this;

    import { TEST_FETCH, TEST_LOAD } from "../actions/types";

const INITIAL_STATE = { dataSource: [] };

export default (state = INITIAL_STATE, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case TEST_FETCH:
      return { ...state, loading: false, dataSource: action.payload.data };
    case TEST_LOAD:
      return { ...state, loading: true, error: "" };
      return state;

and action is ;

    import { TEST_LOAD, TEST_FETCH } from "./types";
export  const  getdata = ( ) => {
  return  dispatch => {
    dispatch({ type: TEST_LOAD });
     fetch("http://myserver/getdata", {
      method: "GET",
      headers: {
        Accept: "application/json",
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
      .then(response => {
        return response.json();
      .then(responseData => {
        return responseData;

      .then(data => {
        // return data;
        dispatch({ type: TEST_FETCH, payload: data });

and page is ;

       import _ from 'lodash';
    import React, { Component } from "react";
    import { View, Text, ListView } from "react-native";
    import { connect } from "react-redux";
    import { getdata } from "../actions";
    class testList extends Component {
      componentWillMount() {
      componentDidMount() {
       console.log(this.props.myarray ); // myarray is empty
      componentDidUpdate() {
       console.log(this.props.myarray ); // I tried this but still myarray is empty
      createDataSource({ dtsource }) {
// sure dtsource is null too
         const ds = new ListView.DataSource({
          rowHasChanged: (r1, r2) => r1 !== r2});
         this.dataSource = ds.cloneWithRows(dtsource);
      render() {
    console.log(this.props.arr1); // if I write here,I can see my json's output
        return <View>
            <Text>Employee List</Text>
            <ListView dataSource={this.props.arr1} renderRow={rowData => <Text
                </Text>} />
    const mapStateToProps = state => {
      const myarray= _.map(state.testForm.dataSource, function(v) {
        return { ...v };
          return { myarray};
    export default connect(mapDispatchToProps, { getdata })(testList);

Hello, :slight_smile:
I am not familiar with React Native however I know React a little. When I am using React Components which inherit props values, I need to supply the super(props); method, inside of my components constructor(), e.g.

class MyComponent extends Component {
    //  ...var declarations
    constructor(props) {
    //... more code stuff