Finding Invisible Recaptcha Callback Function

I have a Captcha service for Captcha Bypass. The problem is the script works fine on most other sites , but this site does not have a callback function although it does have a callback. So how would I execute the Callback?

Here is my Code:

$CResponse = "uuuhuihhoihoihloi"
$browser.executeScript("document.getElementById('g-recaptcha-response').value = arguments[0];", $CResponse)
$browser.executeScript("___grecaptcha_cfg.clients[0].F.F.callback('arguments[0]');", $CResponse)

The error I get is Callback function does not exist.
Please help. Thanks

I was able to fix it.
I had to add: document.getElementById(‘captchaform’).submit();
So the final code was:

document.getElementById(‘g-recaptcha-response’).value = CResponse;

No callback function or statement was needed, although the callback was looking for the submit. Thanks for the 2capctha support and this link A piece of javascript code that can help you to find reCAPTCHA parameters · GitHub . There tons of good examples and help on it.

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