Finished my Personal Portfolio - Proud, tired & hesitant

Hey everyone!

At long last, I hope to call this project finished. Any feedback is welcomed with arms wide open :slight_smile: Shoot down everything you can, that is the only way to improve!

Full page

Thank you!


That’s pretty cool. The menu should probably move somewhere else when the width is reduced, but responsiveness isn’t strictly required.

You’re right…I have tried a bunch of ways to hide the menu and replace it with a toggle for smaller screen sizes, but without much luck.
If you know a way I could do it, please don’t keep it to yourself :wink:

Bootstrap has a way of doing this, but it’s not an easy thing to understand via the documentation. It’s certainly adaptable to your situation, but I don’t have the time to work through it myself.

No need, I’ll give it another shot, thanks for linking it :slight_smile:

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Looks great on desktop, haven’t checked it on mobile… I love your images and also your gallery placeholder hover styles.

Nothing substantial to add in terms of suggestions, but wanted to throw out that it looks great. It definitely conveys a quirky voice/attitude. Each piece fits with the theme, and it all feels like a cohesive whole. Good job!

Hey! Your page looks really cool. I really like the design. Just a suggestion, but have you tried using media queries? I’m pretty new to this whole thing but I think you might be what you are looking for.

very nice design! responsiveness is good also. Congrats!

I love your project- especially the colors and hover styles. If you’re interested in adding a toggle menu for smaller screens I did something similar with my site using bootstraps. ( It took me a bit to figure out as it required a jquery link to be added. I then used media query to style the toggle menu placement, but that’s not necessary. Maybe this code below will help.


Toggle navigation

Hi Bungou, I just checked out your portfolio and have to say I like your style.

Great bold colors which really give it your own personality and i love your paint splash place holders. Very imaginative and I think you’ll make a great designer.

Thank you Rebecca! I mingled with it a bit and now get the navigation to collapse when the screen size goes down.
When clicking on the toggle, the navigation toggles. But “turning it on” only brings up the navigation that is too big in the first place…Grr…I’ll figure it out though! :smiley:
Thanks for your feedback, your site & projects look great!

Would it work to style the css to by selecting the class .menu and change the font size? Something like this:

@media (max-width: 700px) { .menu { font-size: .5em; line-height: .5; } }

Thank you everyone for replying. Reading through these comments is rewarding and incredibly encouraging !

Hi there! First off I’d just like to say that I love your portfolio page. I love the way your images look like a part of the background instead of a picture inserted. May I ask how you did that? When I insert a picture, say your splash marks for your projects page, it still has the white background with it. How did you get rid of the image background and make it your background color? I hope my question makes sense.
Keep up the great work!

The pictures have a transparent background. You can do that easily with just about any photo editing app out there, just hitch a tutorial on YouTube and you’ll be rocking amazing pictures in no time :wink:

This is one of the better portfolio projects I’ve seen in a while. I like yours more than I like my own! I’m especially a fan of your bright color scheme and your hover states/effects.

Really nice…very impressed

Haha thank you! I wouldn’t know about comparing the two, but your words are definitely encouraging !

Thats a really good looking portfolio. Good job! :slight_smile:

For feedback:
In responsive view, Logo and the email at the bottom are too big and thus go over the edges. You can use Media queries to adjust the font-sizes accordingly so theyd fit into the container.
Also, the #A2 padding-right isn´t needed in responsive view anymore, all it does is it pushes content off from the center.