First Draft of New Portfolio

I made a thread last week complaining about not getting a job and people recommended kindly that a good first step would be to redo my portfolio.

Here’s what I have so far: New Portfolio Page

Someone recommended copying this one: Design I copied

Rather than just copy it I used it as visual reference and just wrote my own html, css, and javascript (just for scrolling and adding classes to the nav section when in the corresponding section). I did bring in font awesome to use the same icons too rather than just find images of icons like I had for my previous portfolio. I also brought in a google font with might cause slow load times (i’m not sure if it’s important to optimize for that on a portfolio or if that’s a bad time investment).

I haven’t made it work for mobile yet but since i’ve at least got something presentable I figured I’d go ahead and ask for feedback.

Definitely much better than the last one! :slight_smile:

I usually just give some tips on what I think would make things look better, so I’ll just stick with that format.

  1. There is a lot of space between elements in the first section, specifically between the contact details and social media icons. I’d clump them up a little bit. The portfolio you’re inspired by should serve as a decent guideline.

  2. I don’t think having a few (well, 8) icons of your technical skills justifies having an entire section for it. It looks unoriginal and wastes a lot of space. I’d think of a more creative way to display those and probably have them lined up in 1 or 2 rows.

  3. Education and Experience sections look very good. Good use of font and headings, good spacing. Aesthetically those 2 sections outclass anything else on your page.

I cannot read the text as it is hidden behind the green banner. I am just starting out and am not yet proficient in coding, but I like the simple design you have. My favourite parts are Simon, tic tac toe and postapic.