Flexbox, CSS Grid and Float?

I would like to know as a learner that does web designers use float? or they are using flexbox and css grid? I am looking forward to seeing some code examples.

I would stick to using CSS grid and Flexbox whenever possible. The cases to use float are rare and usually discouraged since using CSS grid and Flexbox allows you to target exactly what you need to format without having to worry about clearing floats or breaking things in the future as you maintain a growing amount of styles.

Flexbox is great for layout in one dimension - either a row or a column:
Here is a jsfiddle example of Flexbox taken from the article linked below.

CSS Grid is great for two-dimensional layout - rows, and columns at the same time:
Here is a jsfiddle example of CSS Grid taken from the article linked below.

A helpful resource that explains more here.

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Thank you for your kindness. Can you please share me any real world project using flexbox or css grid or any example so that I can learn the styling format of web designers are using now.