currently making my way through the Portfolio, and I was after some help with some Flex Box. I’m trying to move the titles of each image directly above it, instead of being off to the side of them. Is it something to do with the Box Directions or making the titles individual boxes themselves?
I think you need to clean up your HTML a little. I would wrap each title/image combo in its own div and then you can style the div to get the layout that you want.
I’m not sure about giving the link it’s own ID/Class, keep it in with the image and you’ll be able to move both at the same time. Right now it looks like the image has it’s own box and the name of the image has it’s on box.
hey bb, cheers for the reply. I’ve set each box into its own div, and I can move the titles themselves but I can’t move the images themselves. Any idea? Flexbox always confuses me