For loop variable being dereferenced within a jquery getJSON function? (Twitch app)


So i’ve been stuck on this for the better part of 2 days now, basically when I try to reference my for loop variable within a getJSON function it doesnt work.

On line 11 and 12 in the JS, I’ve got 2 console logs, where “names” is the array of strings of twitch streamers names.

both are within the json function within the for loop yet names logs undefined while names[0] logs what it should.

Thanks to anyone that can help, i’ve spent days on this roadblock.


If I’m not mistaken this is a common variable scope problem that’s well documented:

Alternatively, you can also take advantage of the ES6 let as it is scoped to the enclosing for loop, for example:

for(let x = 0; x < names.length; x++){
  jQuery.getJSON(channelsURL + names[x], function(data) {
    console.log(x) // Returns 1, 2, 3, 4... It's more than likely not in this order because of the asynchronous nature of jQuery.getJSON()—but the "correct" x will be matched to the one in names[x]

console.log(x) // Variable not defined, as it is inaccessible outside of the for loop

Contrast the above to what you are currently getting with var:

for(var x = 0; x < names.length; x++){
  jQuery.getJSON(channelsURL + names[x], function(data) {
    console.log(x) // Returns names.length, names.length, names.length, names.length...

console.log(x) // Returns names.length

I hope that helps. :slight_smile:

Thank you, after all that time all it took was let.