freeCodeCamp Challenge Guide: Convert seconds to compound duration

Convert seconds to compound duration


Solution 1 (Click to Show/Hide)
function convertSeconds(sec) {
  const timeUnits = [
    {unit: "wk",  seconds: 604800},
    {unit: "d",   seconds: 86400},
    {unit: "hr",  seconds: 3600},
    {unit: "min", seconds: 60},
    {unit: "sec", seconds: 1},

  return timeUnits
    .reduce((acc, curr) => {
      const numCurrUnits = Math.floor(acc.seconds / curr.seconds);
      const newSeconds = acc.seconds % curr.seconds;
      const currOutput = "" + numCurrUnits + " " + curr.unit;
      const newOutput = numCurrUnits === 0 ?
        acc.output :
        acc.output === "" ?
          currOutput :
          acc.output + ", " + currOutput;
      return { output: newOutput, seconds: newSeconds };
    { output: "", seconds: sec }
Solution 2 (Click to Show/Hide)
function convertSeconds(sec) {
  /* Returns the inserted unit (week, day... but in seconds)
      as many times as it fits the remaining time to be converted.
      Also removes this result from the remaining time. */
  function secsToUnits(unitInSecs) {
    const converted = Math.floor(sec / unitInSecs);
    sec -= converted * unitInSecs;
    return converted;

  /* Returns a comma if there is still time to convert. */
  function addComma() {
    return (sec === 0) ? "" : ", ";

  /* If the converted time for a given unit is 0,
      returns an empty string,
     else, returns a string containing the converted time
      with the adequate suffix,
      plus a comma if there is still time to convert. */
  function secToUnitString(time, notation) {
    const converted = secsToUnits(time);
    return (converted === 0) ?
      "" :
      converted + " " + notation + addComma();

  return secToUnitString(604800, "wk") +
    secToUnitString(86400, "d") +
    secToUnitString(3600, "hr") +
    secToUnitString(60, "min") +
    secToUnitString(1, "sec");
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