Tell us what’s happening:
freeCodeCamp Challenge Guide: Steamroller
I am getting correct output but still it is not accepting it.
This has happened to me before. I don’t like using hints often but for problems like these I am forced to use the hints .
Can anyone help me with a solution to this glitch or mistake in my program?
Your code so far
function steamrollArray(arr) {
return arrayrec(arr);
const sol=[];
function arrayrec(arr){
for(let i in arr){
if(JSON.stringify(arr[i]) == '{}'){
if(typeof arr[i] != "object")
return sol;
var a= steamrollArray([1, {}, [3, [[4]]]]);
for(var i in a){
console.log(typeof a[i]);
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Challenge: Steamroller
Link to the challenge: