I created 5th project using hooks and react version 18.1,
I think I nearly completed all the tests except #Alarm section but the tests have shown me failure
In #Content test; I checked ID’s of html tags they are all there. But giving me a false result of #time-left is not available.
In the #Timer test; showing failure about timer did not reach 0. And not checks other ones as well. Here is the link of codepen: 25+5 Clock.
Thanks for your compliment Sboonny
And thank you for your reply, I tried that now but tests failing with Strict Mode render method also. I will be trying to downgrade to 17th version of react to see if it works (as the github link suggests) I hope its easy to do so .
It was nice to work with hooks which I mostly liked useReducer; helped me to hold a good state of the program
useReducer hook helped me with; not using redux for states
I think React is getting somewhere with this state and hook methods. Otherwise it is hard to maintain the one way flow if one wants to upgrade the program again and again.
Unless the certification needed for academic reason, I would suggest moving to the next course.
People are trying to fix it, so you don’t have to make adjustments. You can follow the issue and when you receive notification that it’s closed. Claim certification.
I do like the new state of react too, they definitely moving to the right direction. Can’t wait to see, how much change we will see in 3 or 4 years.
Thank you Muhammed
I was thinking to apply jobs after this certification. My family expects much of me .
But its wise to follow your advice, I came so far that; i cant go back now, only further
Is there something I can help with the tests? Because this feels like going to take too long, the people who is solving this problem is not enough (4 people last message was 17 days ago). Or should I start the same project with older version again?
I did not really look much at the code but my first instinct is to suggest you try without accurateInterval and just use a “normal” setInterval.
The test will “hack” setInterval and setTimeout and it should finish pretty quick as it will speed up the timer. You can see that isn’t working with your project.
Also, as I said on the GitHub issue the example project (and my own) is passing the tests just fine (with the correct version of React).
I tried to use setInterval method with returning cancel tests was still slow(without accurateInterval method), I used setInterval method without a returning cancel function but the tests are still slow.
Time-left is not formatted correctly error still shows up.
Hi Lasse,
Pause Unpause problem is fixed now thanks for the warning
It might because of the the id #time-left which I tried many things to solve the problem the test is not seeing it.
What the code should be like (setInterval code example) for the test to hack my code for testing faster then? Thank you for your help.
EDIT: Thanks to FreeCodeCamp and its contributors I just passed Linkedin skill test of react.js