Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a Drum Machine

Hi guys! i have a question i did all the drum machine, and although when i press the right key the sound play, the test still fails, why? i saw that my code it’s a little different from the other around but the test number 6 stil fail

Your code so far

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Challenge: Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a Drum Machine

Link to the challenge:

Thank you so much for any help

The key press needs to work with Capital letters.

P.S. To be fair, this seems like an petty requirement because in a real drum machine you wouldn’t be expected to hold down the shift key.

Thank you so much. At least I’ve made a change: I created another variable “letter”, to which I’ve assigned (let letter=event.key.toUpperCase();), and I conducted the ‘if’ test on that. However, that’s the only thing I changed, as the actual trigger remained the same (document.getElementById(event.key.toUpperCase());). I was going insane! Thanks a lot.

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