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Hi, I am unable to pass these two run test questions:
##In any order, I should be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide a chain of numbers of any length, and when I hit “=”, the correct result should be shown in the element with the id of “display”
If 2 or more operators are entered consecutively, the operation performed should be the last operator entered (excluding the negative (-) sign.
Well, this project introduces some more complex issues that you don’t seem to have addressed in your code. For one, it doesn’t seem you’ve implemented the " ." into your code, but maybe you just haven’t gotten there yet.
Regarding the problems you’ve mentioned, it doesn’t seem you’ve included the ability to enter a negative number. For instance, entering 5 * - 5 should have a result of -25… Five times negative 5. Instead you get 0 because the - overwrote the *.
Also, it doesn’t seem you have programmed a method for stringing multiple operations together… for instance, 5 * 5 - 2 should result in 23 (five times five minus 2) but instead you’re calculator only remembers the last two operators, resulting in 5-2=3.
Seems you’ve got some more problem solving to do. Hope that makes sense. If you have a specific question regarding how to do that let us know.
Hi kinome79 please help I manage to add ’ . ’ decimal key however the last 2 method for stringing multiple operations together… for instance, 5 * 5 - 2 should result in 23
formula v immediate 3+5*6-2/4 string, I am lost .
Any hint would be appreciated.
please see my linkJS calculator
Well, first I wanted to say maintaining the state of your calculator through HTML element datasets is intriguing… I never considered it before and usually just used Javascript global vars. I like it… not sure if its considered a good way to do things, but at first I wasn’t sure where you were storing all these variables, and then was like, wait… neat
Other than that, I don’t want to nay-say your design because maybe I don’t completely understand what’s going on, but it seems you’re relying on a very fixed equation layout… firstnum, operator, secondnum = result. The problem is that doesn’t leave room for someone typing a more complex operation.
For instance, when the calculator first comes up I typed . 5 = . The result was a blank screen. I then typed +2 and got a NaN error. It’s because I didn’t stay within your number, operator, number template.
As the point of the project is to design an app to solve this problem, I can’t really tell you how to design it. There are many ways, a complex if/then web to handle all possible input combinations, an ongoing first-operator variable that continuously updates as more complex equations are entered (this would be similar to how a basic 7-seg calculator would do it), an equation string that remembers all inputs and then coughs up a solution after hitting equals, a mix between those, another solution I would have never thought of, etc. Just need to re-think about the problem with these new challenges in mind, and decide how you’d like to solve it. Thats the fun part
Not sure if you’re familiar with the javascript eval function but it was a useful function for my design. Not sure if it would help in yours.