Ok I tried researching a bunch on google before coming here and I am still having some troubles.
I am failing tests 4-6 and I am not sure why.
Test 4: When I enter GitHub flavored markdown into the #editor element, the text is rendered as HTML in the #preview element as I type (Hint: You don’t need to parse Markdown yourself - you can import the Marked library for this: https://cdnjs.com/libraries/marked)
Test 5: When my markdown previewer first loads, the default text in the #editor field should contain valid markdown that represents at least one of each of the following elements: a header (H1 size), a sub header (H2 size), a link, inline code, a code block, a list item, a blockquote, an image, and bolded text
test6: When my markdown previewer first loads, the default markdown in the #editor field should be rendered as HTML in the #preview element
As far as I can tell I visibly pass those tests. I like figuring problems out myself so if anyone has any good hints about what part of my code is bad?
Markdown Previewer (codepen.io)
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Challenge: Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a Markdown Previewer
Link to the challenge: