Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a Markdown Previewer

Im trying to enter GitHub flavored markdown into the #editor element, so the text is rendered as HTML in the #preview element as I type.

But everything goes to shit when I edit this line of code to accomplish this:

const Previewer = ({ content }) => < div id = “preview”>{content}< /div>"

To this line of code:

const Previewer = ({ content }) => <div id = “preview” dangerouslySetInnerHTML = {{
__html: marked(content, { renderer: renderer })
}}>< /div>

When I make this edit, both the editor and previewer text boxes just disappear. And I go from 4/8 challenges complete back down to 1/8 complete.

What the deuce?

Here’s my link -

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Challenge: Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a Markdown Previewer

Link to the challenge:

Try using this marked library instead:

That worked, thank you. I guess now I’ll look for the 2022 methodology to accomplish this task. Thanks again.

With version 4 of marked.js when used with a script tag (Codepen setting) you have to use marked.parse()

Or you can import it like this at the top and just use marked()

import { marked } from "";
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