Ok so I’m petulantly after some advice / moral support / someone to mop up the tears.
I love this site but really feel like I’ve hit a wall with this one, and am wondering if I shouldn’t be here yet?
A little background, I have zero coding experience and have started from the beginning on free code code camp from html, CSS, JavaScript and now React. Not always been easy but I got here.
After working out how to get codepen to even understand React I completed the first challenge and built a functioning, quote machine (hi five me!) onto the this one. I have built a very basic structure and ensured anything typed in the input was replicated in the box below. But, and here’s the But…
While I have an account I’ve never used Github and don’t know what ‘GitHub flavoured markdown’ is. I haven’t imported from other libraries yet, and I have never parsed a markdown in my life. None of this has been covered (Always blame the teachers) .
I have obviously googled, found definitions, instructions on importing, and similar examples and even found a Youtube video with instructions to solve this very freecodecamp challenge. But it seems that I would just be copying the code without really understanding.
Lengthy way to ask a question. Sorry about the long whinge (I’m British, it’s what we do best).
Basic questions…
Should I retreat and go back and study more basics elsewhere (All tips welcome)?
Should I persevere and will all become clearer later on ( I don’t know if the previous knowledge requirements continue to rise or if this is an anomaly?)
Should I know my place, and carry on labouring for a living until either my shovel or my skeleton collapses. (Obvs not this).
Anyway. Thanks everyone involved in this. Any help/encouragement massively appreciated.
Keep on keepin on.
Your code so far
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
text: “”,
input: “this is just a test ipso do dah diddly”
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
handleChange(event) {
input: event.target.value
render() {
return (
ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById(“markup-app”))
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Challenge: Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a Markdown Previewer
Link to the challenge: