Getter setter in ES6

Tell us what’s happening:
Where I am wrong in this lesson. Can you please find out the cause?

// Only change code below this line
class Thermostat { 
  constructor(temperature) { 
    this.temperature = temperature;

  get temp() { 
    return 5/9 * (this.temperature - 32);

  set temp(updateTemperature) { 
    this.temperature = updateTemperature * 9.0 / 5 + 32;

// Only change code above this line

const thermos = new Thermostat(76); // Setting in Fahrenheit scale
let temp = thermos.temperature; // 24.44 in Celsius
thermos.temperature = 26;
temp = thermos.temperature; // 26 in Celsius
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Challenge: Use getters and setters to Control Access to an Object

Link to the challenge:

For this test the object setter and getter are called different than the ones you’ve created.

const thermos = new Thermostat(76); // New object
let temp = thermos.temperature; // Here is the call to the get function

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