Golf Code please help how to solve it ?where is my mistake anyone tell me please

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Your code so far

var names = ["Hole-in-one!", "Eagle", "Birdie", "Par", "Bogey", "Double Bogey", "Go Home!"];
function golfScore(par, strokes) {
// Only change code below this line
  if (strokes == 1) {
  return names[0]
} else if (strokes <= par - 2) {
  return names[1]
} else if (strokes == par - 1) {
  return names[2]
} else if (strokes == par - 1) {
  return names[3]
} else if (strokes == par + 1) {
  return names[4]
} else if (strokes == par + 2) {
  return names[5]
} else if (strokes >= par + 3) {
  return names[6]
} else {
return "Change Me";

// Only change code above this line

golfScore(5, 4);

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Challenge: Golf Code

Link to the challenge:

Which case handles par is equal to strokes?

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You missed golfScore(4, 4) should return “Par” and golfScore(5, 5) should return “Par”.

Both conditions return the same value “Par”. So ,use “or” to solve this problem. It returns “Par” if golfScore (4,4) or (5,5) .

Next, create another else if statement

(par ==4 & strokes==4 | par==5 & strokes==5)
else if (par==strokes) {
return names[3];

Hope that helps!
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Your code is OK. There is only a little typo in your instruction that returns names[3].
The question of @jenovs is the answer!

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