:has(input:checked) not working

I’m trying to make a To-do list app, but I’m facing a problem styling the to-dos:

<label for="task-txt">
           <input type="checkbox">
.todo-list label:has(input:checked) {
    color: var(--active-btn-clr);
    text-decoration: line-through;

Why doesn’t this CSS rule work? I think the problem is related with input:checked inside :has(), but I can’t think of another solution for this because I can’t put the input outside the label because I’d need to link them but elements can’t have the same id:

   <input type="checkbox" id="task-txt">
   <label for="task-txt"></label>
   <input type="checkbox" id="task-txt">
   <label for="task-txt"></label>

You should use explicit checked for your checkbox:

	<input type="checkbox" checked="checked">

Then, use this selector in CSS:

label:has(input[checked="checked"]) {
    text-decoration: line-through;

Your selector works, can you show a bigger example of html, maybe including .todo-list element?

<section class="todo-list">
   <ul id="todos">
      <li class="task">
         <label for="task-txt">
            <input type="checkbox">
        <button id="delete-btn"> </button>

This is also the github repository just in case you want to see the whole project

can you also show the code with this css? maybe add a different branch

You can see the branches, but here’s the link:

you are not using :has anymore?

also can you describe how to reproduce the issue on the app

Yes I’m using it, but as one of the comments suggested. I’m using explicit checked attribute because using the :checked pseudo-class was not working

	<input type="checkbox" checked="checked">
label:has(input[checked="checked"]) {
    text-decoration: line-through;