Hello, Guys... We need help with JavaScript calculator project

We have 15 passes and the last one thing to complete the pass says

  1. If 2 or more operators are entered consecutively, the operation performed should be the last operator entered

The sequence “5 * - + 5” = should produce an output of “10” : expected ‘-15’ to equal ‘10’

and we can’t seen to figure out…
for now this is how our code look like kindly help us pass the last one please.

// create out variables 
		var num1 = 0, num2 = 0, opr = " ",
		divNumbers = document.querySelectorAll(".container .box-num"),
		divOpers = document.querySelectorAll(".container .box-opr"),
		showCalcBox = document.getElementById("display"),
		resetBox = document.getElementById("reset"),
		clearBox = document.getElementById("clear"),
		// isOprClick = check if an operator is clicked
		// isEqClick = check if an equals is clicked
		// fc0 = first click click on operator
		isOprClick = false, isEqClick = false, fco = 0;

		// add action to all div
		//clear show-calc letter by letter

		resetBox.onclick = function () {
			showCalcBox.innerHTML = showCalcBox.innerHTML.substring(0, showCalcBox.innerHTML.length -1);

		// reset div to clear and start again

		clearBox.onclick = function () {
			isOprClick = false; 
			isEqClick = false; 
			fco = 0;
			num1 = 0; 
			num2 = 0; 
			opr = " ";

			display.innerHTML = "0";

		// add action to show numbers 

		for (var i = 0; i < divNumbers.length; i++) {

			divNumbers[i].onclick = function () {

				if (isOprClick) {
					num1 = eval(display.innerHTML);
					display.innerHTML = " ";

				// check if the text don't contain "."

				if(display.innerHTML.toString().indexOf(".") === -1) {

					// id text is equal tp 0 and the div pressed is not "."

					if (display.innerHTML === "0" && this.innerHTML !== ".") {
						display.innerHTML =  this.innerHTML;
						isOprClick = false;
					} else {
						display.innerHTML = display.innerHTML + this.innerHTML;
						isOprClick = false;
				} else if (this.innerHTML !== ".") {
					display.innerHTML = display.innerHTML + this.innerHTML;
					isOprClick = false;

		// add action to do operations

		for (var i = 0; i < divOpers.length; i++) {
			divOpers[i].onclick = function () {
				if (fco == 0) {
					num1 = eval(display.innerHTML);
					// get the operator
					opr = this.innerHTML;
					isOprClick = true;
				} else {
					if (this.innerHTML!== "=") { // if the clicked div is not "="
						if (!isEqClick) { // if "=" is not already clicked
							num2 = eval(display.innerHTML);
							display.innerHTML = calc(opr, num1, num2);
							opr = this.innerHTML;
							num2 = eval(display.innerHTML);
							isOprClick = true;
							isEqClick = false;
						} else {
							isEqClick = false;
							opr = this.innerHTML;
					} else {
							num2 = eval(display.innerHTML);
							display.innerHTML = calc(opr, num1, num2);
							opr = this.innerHTML;
							num1 = eval(display.innerHTML);
							isOprClick = true;
							isEqClick = true;

		// creat a clac function to the operations

		function calc(op,n1,n2) {
			var result = 0;

			switch(op) {
				case "+": 
					result = n1 + n2;

				case "-": 
					result = n1 - n2;

				case "x": 
					result = n1 * n2;

				case "/": 
					if(n2 > 0)
					result = n1 / n2;


			return result;

Yes! kindly i mean i, but i am a married man and everything i active i believe it’s us, so the one of us is the all of us… because by God’s grace such mind set is one key to success sir.

If I remember correctly, the way I approached it was to keep track of the last entered input so if the last input was a function, a new function entered would replace it. Easier said than done I know :wink: Hope this helps.

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