Help convert one type of javascript object to another type

I need to convert a JavaScript object of one type:

            "label": "A",
            "children": [
                    "label": "A.1",
                    "children": [
                            "label": "A.1.1",
                            "children": []
                            "label": "A.1.2",
                            "children": []
                    "label": "A.2",
                    "children": [
                            "label": "A.2.1",
                            "children": []
                            "label": "A.2.2",
                            "children": []
            "label": "B",
            "children": []

and I want to convert it to this type:

        "l1": {
            "item1": {
                "label": "A",
                "reference": "l2"
            "item2": {
                "label": "B"
        "l2": {
            "item1" : {
                "label": "A.1",
                "reference": "l3"
            "item2" : {
                "label": "A.2",
                "reference" : "l4"
        "l3" : {
            "item1" : {
                "label": "A.1.1"
                "label": "A.1.2"
        "l4" : {
            "item1" : {
                "label": "A.2.1"
                "label": "A.2.2"

I have been trying this but failing somehow. Could you please give me some hint how can I do this conversion. Thanks.

What are the rules for converting? I don’t understand how exactly the second is made from the first, and that’s definitely the first part to writing a code to do this.

well the original object is like a hierarchy of items (like a graph) & I want this to be converted to sort of a level order traversal.

Right, but how does that conversion work? i.e. for X in the first object, it goes into the second object by…

  1. I would iterate over the outermost array containing A & B objects, & populate them as values for Level1 key.
    { "level1" : { "item1" : objectA, "item2": objectB } }
  2. I would check if object A has children,
    2.1. if it does, I would have a key-value pair like: "reference":"A's_child_identifier" added to item1’s value & would would want to do the above process again for children (which is an array of objects)
    2.2. this time the children of objectA will have a key-value pair as: "A's_child_identifier" : {"item1": A.child1, "item2":A.child2}
    2.3. this key-value will be appended after "level1":
{ "level1"  : { "item1" : {"label":"A", "reference": "level2"}, "item2": objectB },
"level2" : {"item1": A.child1, "item2":A.child2}
  1. and so on.

So the converted object will basically be like:

{ "level1"  : { "item1" : {"label":"A", "reference": "level2"}, "item2": {"label":"B", "reference": "level3"} },
"level2" : { "item1": {"label":"A.1"}, "item2":{"label":"A.2"} },
"level3": { <similar to level2, but having child elements of objectB (object with label B)>}

Here, the "reference": "level_x" indicates that this sub-object has child elements which are present in the main object with key as "level_x".

Yes that’s right. Here only we have depth of 3. Sorry to add to the confusion. I should have used better naming than L1, L2.

Basically the reference field identifies that a node has child items. And the child items can be found in the key denoted by value of reference.
And since it’s sort of a tree structure, there can be multiple depths.

I’m sort of near the solution, just stuck on adding the (reference: level_x) or (reference: l_x) key-value pair.

let obj2 = {};

function operation(level, object) {

    let obji = {};
    for (let i = 0; i < object.length; ++i) {
        obji[`item${i}`] = object[i];
    obj2[`level_${level}`] = obji;

    for (let i = 0; i < object.length; i++) {
        if(object[i].hasOwnProperty("children") && object[i].children.length) {
            operation(++level, object[i].children);

Completed the formulation:

var obj2 = {};
var level = 0;

function operation(object) {

    let obji = {};
    for (let i = 0; i < object.length; ++i) {
        obji[`item${i}`] = { 
            "id": object[i][id],
            "label": object[i]["label"],
    obj2[`level_${level}`] = obji;

    let level_x = "level_" + level;
    for (let i = 0; i < object.length; i++) {
        if(object[i].children !== undefined && object[i].children.length) {
            level = level+1;
            obj2[level_x][`item${i}`].reference = "level_"+level;

ah! My bad. Placed it by mistake. Thanks.
must remove that part

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