Help! Header/fixed navbar covers my H1 element

Hi there! Working on my Portfolio Page project. After struggling and finally getting my navbar/header fixed to the top, it now covers up my H1 elements. In the past I ‘cheated’ and added lots of line break tags in between the navbar/header and the H1 to create space, but there’s got to be a more efficient way, right?

I’ve tried lots of troubleshooting and watching tutorials, and not finding a solution. Any help is appreciated!

ps. The page is a hot mess right now. Styling and polishing will happen eventually :slight_smile:

Could you also post a link to the code you have so far, please?

My bad! Here’s a link.

I took the #welcome-section and added a top margin to it in CSS

  margin-top: 100px;

Thank you so much! I’ll remember this if I run into this issue again.

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