Help I am stuck on the time calculator project

Tell us what’s happening:
2 fails left, and i dont know how to go about it, is it me or are the user story wrong

here is a link to my```

**Your code so far**
        ``` def add_time(start, duration, day='any1'):
   # getting the hour and min.
   startHour = int(start.split(":")[0])
   startMin = int(start.split(":")[1].split(" ")[0])
   addTime = duration.split(':')
   durationHour = addTime[0]
   durationMin = addTime[1]
   amPm = ''

   if 'PM' in start:
       startHour += 12

   daysNumber = 0

   newHour = int(startHour) + int(durationHour)

   if newHour > 24:
       if newHour % 24 == 0:
           daysNumber = newHour / 24
           newHour = 00
           daysNumber = newHour // 24
           remainingHours = newHour % 24
           newHour = remainingHours

   if newHour < 12:
       amPm = 'AM'
       amPm = 'PM'
       newHour -= 12

   tempMin = int(startMin) + int(durationMin)
   if tempMin > 60:
       newMin = tempMin - 60
       newHour += 1
       newMin = tempMin
   hour = newHour
   minuite = str(newMin)
   if len(minuite) == 1:
       minuite = '0' + minuite

   if day != 'any1':
       if daysNumber < 7:
           weekdays = ["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturDay", "sunday", "monday", "tuesday",
                       "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturDay"]
           for days in weekdays:
               if days == day.lower():
                   tempDay = weekdays.index(day)
                   newDay = weekdays[tempDay + daysNumber].capitalize()
                   new_time = F"{hour}:{newMin} {amPm}  {newDay}"
       if daysNumber < 1:
           new_time = F"{hour}:{minuite} {amPm}"
       if daysNumber == 1:
           new_time = F"{hour}:{minuite} {amPm} (next day)"
       if daysNumber >= 7:
           new_time = F"{hour}:{minuite} {amPm} ({daysNumber} days later)"

   return new_time ```

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**Challenge:** Time Calculator

**Link to the challenge:**