Help me choose between 2 positions!

welp there is your answer. the larger company will always be there

So what should people do that don’t have the skills to produce minimum-wage value? If you don’t allow them to earn less than $X an hour, and they can’t produce that, aren’t you forcing them either to work on the black market or take charity?

Update: rejected from the paid position and pulled out of the unpaid position. I didn’t realize this was such a hot topic. It appears that the guidelines put out for unpaid internships by the Department of Labor are a good deal for noobs. However, there is no way these guidelines would be impossible to follow if I was working at a startup. Thanks everyone, I learned a lot!

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Well. I would never suggest to accept an unpaid internship. No matter how inexperienced you are, it’s a job anyway (not a hobby). Are you really sure that you want to work for a company that doesn’t pay some of its workers? This doesn’t say much about how good you are, but it tells something about the company values.
That said, you may have a very high tolerance for such a working condition and may want to have a job right now (without further research). In that case may be the right choice for you. Why? I think you shouldn’t waste your time trying to learn an archaic language that is not used anymore. It’s not fun and not good for the CV anyway.
By the way, if you think you can wait before starting to work, I would suggest you to look for other jobs.