(Help me for my mistake thankss)Sum All Numbers in a Range

Tell us what’s happening:
Why this method isnt working? Is there any logic mistake i make?

Your code so far

function sumAll(arr) {
  let sum = 0;

  if(arr[0] < arr[1]){
  for(let i = arr[0]; i<= arr[1];i++){
    sum += i;
   } else{
    for(let i = arr[1]; i>= arr[0];i--){
    sum += i;
 return sum;

sumAll([1, 4])

function sumAll(arr) {
  let sum = 0;

  if(arr[0] < arr[1]){
  for(let i = arr[0]; i<= arr[1];i++){
    sum += i;
   } else{
    for(let i = arr[1]; i>= arr[0];i--){
    sum += i;
 return sum;

sumAll([1, 4])

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This is executed if arr[0] >= arr[1] right?
Read carefully the loop and think if it would ever work

Thankss, will keep this in mind next time

Yaa, still cant figure it out
Which mistake did i made?

Thankss guys I figured it out !

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