Help me please! I cant seem to see the issue

Hello I been going at this for half of a hour and I don’t know what’s wrong, I try to do my research to see what I can do but everytime I do or try to change something it doesn’t seem to pass!

rows[2] = 10;

the question in question below!

Step 18

Arrays are special in that they are considered mutable. This means you can change the value at an index directly.

For example, this code would assign the number 25 to the second element in the array:

let array = [1, 2, 3];
array[1] = 25;

Update the third element of your rows array to be the number 10. Then print the rows array to your console.

Hi there! According to this you have to log rows array after updating it. And log out the whole array, not just the third element

Oh thank you! that helps me out alot

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